Sunday, December 4, 2011

Social Bookmarks

I can see how social bookmarks are helpful for a teacher. I was able to learn about a lot of new blogs and website because of the sharing ability. I could get lost on the Delicious. I went from one website to the next. I also found it helpful that if a person tagged a website, I would likely be interested in other links he/she had. I can definitely see how this is a helpful tool.

Week 7- social bookmarks

    Wordle: Untitled

week 6- Google reader

I have always enjoyed reading blogs. I started following blogs of teachers back when I was in college. It was such a helpful tool when I needed to find an idea or get advice on things going on in my classroom. I was excited this part of the grade because now I have an excuse to spend a little extra time on the computer reading what I love to read. CoolCatTeacher Blog at was a great blog. I love how she discusses her family and makes her easy to relate to. She post great information about technology. Will Richardson at was a great blog to read. I liked his post. They were "feel good" post that make you happy to be a teacher. Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day at was a great resource to find other great blogs and websites. Free Technology for Teachers at was great for links to technology resources. A Media Specialist’s Guide to the Internet at was another great resource for finding ideas on how to use technology in my classroom. One of the blogs I chose to follow was Jessica at She is an amazing teacher to shares ideas and resources. She has resources for math,reading, writing and much much more. She is definitely a top notch teacher.

My favorite blog is one that I have followed for a couple years. Her name is Jessica Winston. She was previously a 2nd grade teacher but moved to 3rd grade this year. She has great ideas and shares so generously. She has great holiday post and ideas that I usually have never heard of. I love her passion for reading and I think she truly does education justice. I have often thought how lucky her students are to have her. Her creativity amazes me!!

My favorite blog post was when we posted a video and questions. I have a classroom blog that I use for communication with my students and parents and it did not hit me until that post that a youtube video would be a great tool to use. I have found a couple of great videos explaining topics I teach in math but because the school does not allow youtube videos, it would be great to post those on the blog and then the students would have an opportunity to watch them.

Great experience.